I have just returned from the launch of the Scottish College For Educational Leadership (SCEL) Fellowship programme at Stirling University. On our first day we were lucky to have several speakers who talked about their vision for Scottish Education by 2030. They each had a different perspective and one of these was Professor Clive Dimmock Chair in Professional Learning and Leadership at the University of Glasgow. Clive has worked around the world and especially in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong working with governments and institutions exploring leadership in schools and how this impacts teaching and learning. He has also worked on and considered professional development for such leaders. At this event he shared with us the eight characteristics of high performing school leaders. He felt that it was really important that we stopped just focusing on leadership but shone a light on high performing leaders. What I would like to share in this post is those eight characteristic...
This Blog is for anyone interested in Education, schools leadership and professional learning. A former school principal, I now write and talk about education, schools and leadership. Committed to keeping it real for schools and teachers, using research to inform practice. Follow on Twitter @gilchristgeorge