In this post I want to consider some of the messages that were given about Leadership at the recent International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, held in Cincinnati. I was there as a representative of the Fellowship programme being provided by the Scottish College for Educational Leaderships. SCEL was set up following recommendations in 'Teaching Scotland's Future' written by Graham Donaldson. In this Donaldson made fifty recommendations concerning initial teacher education, professional development and leadership development. All of these were accepted in some form by the Scottish Government, and a National Implementation Board was set up to take these forward. It was number fifty that recommended the setting up of a leadership college. Recommendations forty eight and forty nine looked at professional development opportunities for experienced headteachers, and how they could be engaged at a system, and national level, to utilise their experience and con...
This Blog is for anyone interested in Education, schools leadership and professional learning. A former school principal, I now write and talk about education, schools and leadership. Committed to keeping it real for schools and teachers, using research to inform practice. Follow on Twitter @gilchristgeorge